Pathways Tasmania is a non-profit organisation located in Southern Tasmania that provides specialty disability support services for people with developmental needs, residential addiction recovery programs, and a long-term shelter for homeless young males aged 13 to 20

Pathways to a better future

Meet our Pathways Team

Matthew Devenish


Angela Mason

Finance Manager

Rebecca Curran

People, Culture and Risk Manager

Jamie Johnson

Manager - Launch, Operations Manager - Tessellate

Kirsten Hartog


Enid O'Connor

Compliance Manager - Tessellate

Nathan Chester

Program Coordinator - Transformations

Darren Yates

Campus Director - Transformations

Nic Stephen

Board Chair

Gus Yearsley

Board Deputy Chair

Matthew Devenish


Angela Mason

Finance Manager

Rebecca Curran

People, Culture and Risk Manager

Jamie Johnson

Manager - Launch, Operations Manager - Tessellate

Kirsten Hartog


Enid O'Connor

Compliance Manager - Tessellate

Nathan Chester

Program Coordinator - Transformations

Darren Yates

Director - Transformations

Nic Stephen

Board Chair

Gus Yearsley

Board Deputy Chair